Broc-star: Phenomenal growing conditions sees broccoli boon as prices drop more than 30%

17 May 2024


Broccoli Bridget

FSNI Head of Butchery and Produce Brigit Corson


Arguably one of our most versatile vegetables with 15 million heads sold in Foodstuffs North Island stores each year, broccoli is about to become a mealtime broc-star with stable weather resulting in what growers are calling a ‘phenomenal’ season and great prices for Kiwis.

The price of broccoli has dropped 32.3% in April compared to the same month last year, according to the latest Stats NZ Food Price Index. 

Foodstuffs North Island's Head of Butchery and Produce, Brigit Corson says this time a year ago, fresh produce was at the mercy of extreme weather events which wreaked havoc for many growers, but good weather has since turned this around.  

“Right now, we’re seeing great supply for produce like broccoli because we’ve had months of fantastic weather, making for near perfect growing and planting conditions," she says.

“The price of fresh produce depends on a few different factors including if it’s in season, the growing conditions and whether it’s in abundanceIf there’s been a bumper crop, and great supply, that’s when the prices go down."

“The price of broccoli has dropped below a $1 per head in some cases and we’re focused on providing as much value as we can so Kiwis can make the most of it.  

It’s already a popular vegetable, and we’re seeing sales volumes increase compared to last year, which is really encouraging.

Jerry Prendergast the President of United Fresh, which represents New Zealand’s produce industry calls the growing conditions for broccoli for the past nine monthsidyllic with consistently good conditions over many months a key contributor.

“You need just the right amount of sunshine and rain, not too much, and we’ve had that virtually week after week, completely at odds with what we experienced the year before,” he says.

“This has meant we’ve had phenomenal growth and an absolutely stunning yield, which not only tastes incredible but provides great value for consumers.”


Brigit's top five tips for getting the most out of your broccoli

  1. Store broccoli in an airtight container with a spray of water in the fridge to keep it hydrated. If the worst happens and your broccoli goes limp, cut the end of the stem off and place it in water, and it perks up in no time.

  1. Broccoli is delicious raw and can be grated into salads.  

  1. You can use the whole broccoli with the stalk, not only is it a great source of nutrients, but chopping the stalk up alongside the rest of your broccoli will help it go further.

  1. Broccoli is a great addition for winter warmer dishes, whether that’s broccoli and blue cheese soup or adding it to cheesy pasta bake.  

  1. For creative ways to use broccoli alongside what's in your fridge or pantry, try the PAK'nSAVE Meal Bot, put in a minimum of three ingredients, and it will give you a great recipe to try!