FSNI launches dashboard to report progress against Commerce Commission market study recommendations as part of accountability commitment

Wednesday, 20 April 2022 

Chief Executive Chris Quin talks about the launch of Foodstuffs North Island’s market study reporting dashboard

One month on since the Commerce Commission published its final report on its market study into the retail grocery sector, Foodstuffs North Island (FSNI) has launched a reporting dashboard to publicly track progress against the recommendations. 

Chief Executive Chris Quin says FSNI is committed to being held accountable against the recommendations from the retail grocery market study. 

We understand that we’re accountable for implementing the report’s recommendations and for improving value for consumers, and we’re doing that."

“Significant work is already underway and we’re getting on with the things that will make the biggest difference for customers and that we can act on immediately.  "

“In addition to providing formal monthly progress updates to the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs and the Government, we are also committing to publicly reporting on our progress against the recommendations on a quarterly basis. That’s why we’ve developed a market study reporting dashboard to track our progress. "

“The dashboard will be updated each quarter to show how we’re helping customers find the best value, making sure there’s a level playing field for our competitors, improving our relationships with suppliers and investing in innovation to benefit consumers. "

“We’ve heard the call from the Minister to focus on the immediate priorities identified in the report that are within our control and will improve consumers’ ability to make informed decisions. "

“We are getting on with implementing these recommendations, as well as the other recommendations we’ve committed to addressing through our action plan, and we’re making swift progress."

“We are embracing the challenges laid down for us in the final report and our focus remains on delivering value to all New Zealanders."

“This work is a priority for us and we look forward to delivering on our commitments and holding ourselves accountable through regular reporting on our progress.” 

The dashboard will live on the Foodstuffs North Island website here and will be updated quarterly.