A message from New Zealand’s supermarkets

Kia ora New Zealand

We understand this is a very uncertain time for our country. We’re all concerned about the health and safety of our family, friends and communities.

And we know that access to safe, quality food and groceries is essential to our health and peace of mind.

We want to help alleviate some of the uncertainty many of us are feeling by letting you know that when it comes to food and groceries, we’ve got you covered.

New Zealand grows and makes some of the best food in the world (in our humble opinion), and our distribution centres and store teams are going above and beyond to make sure we’ve got plenty of it available on our shelves. But, we need your help:

Shop like you normally would

Buying more than you need means others go without. Be considerate and avoid stockpiling. By all means pick up a couple of extra things in your shop, but there is no need to stock up for weeks in advance.

Shop in our stores

They are safe. While we’ve always had very thorough cleaning, hygiene and food safety processes in our stores, we’ve increased these measures even further to help keep our team and our communities safe and well.

Look out for each other

In times of uncertainty a little kindness goes a long way. Please be kind to fellow shoppers and to our store, supply chain and call centre teams, who are working around the clock to keep shelves stocked and your needs met. They’re our heroes.

Feeding our communities is our No.1 priority and if we all work together, and take care of each other, we can make sure there’s plenty for everyone.

Thanks New Zealand - with your support, we’ve got this.