Foodstuffs’ Auckland stores continue to operate under stringent Covid protocols as government announces the city’s move to Alert Level 3
Monday, 20 September 2021
Foodstuffs’ Auckland stores are ready to shift to Alert Level 3 from 11:59pm Tuesday 21 September, following the government’s announcement this afternoon.
All New World, PAK’nSAVE and Four Square stores will continue to operate using stringent cleaning and hygiene protocols.
It was also announced that the area south of the Auckland boundary line but north of Highway 2 (encompassing Mangatangi, Miranda, and Whakatiwai) will have a bespoke Level 4 arrangement for the next five days.
Foodstuffs stores are well stocked and teams continue to provide New Zealanders with their essential food and groceries in safe shopping environments. Shoppers visiting our Auckland stores can expect to see the same Covid health and safety measures in place, including it being mandatory to wear a face covering when shopping at our stores and maintaining the 2m social distance. Please nominate one person in the household to shop and ask a friend or neighbour to shop on your behalf if you are feeling unwell.
Customer numbers continue to be restricted, so please be patient as you wait to shop for groceries. We want to remind everyone to please continue to #shopnormal so there are enough groceries for others.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation to ensure both our customers and essential team members are kept safe.
Please be patient, considerate and kind and we’ll continue to get through this together.
Kia kaha.