Foodstuffs responds to the country’s move to Alert Level 4 of the National Pandemic Plan

New Zealand is now in the Alert 4 elimination phase of the Government plan designed to stem the spread of COVID-19. These are extraordinary times and if we are to protect New Zealanders then clear measures continue to need to be taken.

Our New World, PAK'nSAVE, Four Square, Gilmour’s and Trent’s stores remain 100% committed to ensuring New Zealanders have their grocery needs met and we are doing everything we can to make this happen with the support of Government and the authorities.

Supermarkets are one of the essential services Government has identified and will remain open to meet the needs of New Zealanders. But please know, the alert Level 4 status will now impact how our stores will operate to ensure customers safety:

Reduced store hours

Our locally owned individual stores will determine their own operating hours and may choose to reduce them to cope with the heightened measures now in place. Individual stores will make this call based on the needs of their community and to ensure customers and staff maintain the recommended physical distance of 2m apart. Customers may also see some reduced services across some stores, and we recommend shoppers should visit the brand website or their local store’s Facebook page to stay across their supermarkets trading hours.

Managed customer numbers in-store

Stores will be limiting the number of customers in store at any one time and will be operating a system at entry to manage the volume of people in store. This is incredibly important to ensure customers can move freely around the store to get their grocery essentials and maintain a safe distance away from other customers and staff.

We ask customers to please be patient and listen to store staff and security to comply with this new store entry system and ask shoppers to please maintain the required 2m physical distancing.

Reduced numbers of staff on shop floor

Stores may also reduce the number of employees working on the shop floor at any one time. This is to maintain the recommend physical distance between staff and customers and to ensure a steady flow of traffic in and out of store. Please respect the appropriate physical distancing recommendation per the Ministry of Health’s guidelines.

Staff protection measures

Customers will begin to see various (but not necessarily all) staff protection measures in place at their local store including staff wearing masks, perspex protective screens at checkout, floor decals communicating the appropriate 2m physical distancing length, physical distancing at self-checkout and checkout, and implementation of pack your own bags. We ask all customers to please comply with store signage and staff direction to maintain physical distancing and safety. This is for both customers and staff health and safety.

Contactless payments

We encourage customers to use contactless payments such as payWave as another was of reducing contact between customers and staff. Help us keep you safe.

Nominate a family or household member to shop

To comply with physical distancing recommendations, and to ensure there is a steady flow of traffic in and out of stores we are asking New Zealanders who shop in person to please shop alone. This is to ensure the number of people in-store at any one time is kept to a minimum – by leaving your loved ones at home you are helping keep them safe.

Shop online (where available)

We have introduced contactless online shopping delivery for customers who are self-isolating, vulnerable or unwell – we ask customers simply to let the team know in the comments section when the order is placed. We also ask customers who are feeling unwell to please not come to the store to collect their Click & Collect order and to instead arrange a friend or family member to pick up your groceries for you.


We continue to ask customers not stockpile; this is so everyone has a fair shot at buying their grocery essentials. When someone buys five packs of toilet paper, and they only need one, they are taking away from four other people who may have needed it. Some customers might not have the resources to buy up or the ability to visit the store every day. Please buy what you need and be fair to others.

Be kind

We are asking New Zealand to please support us as we work hard to continue meeting our goal of ensuring everyone has access to grocery essentials. We ask that all customers please remain patient and considerate to each other and staff during this time.

Foodstuffs has seen New Zealand through trying times before and we’ll continue to be there for New Zealanders during this trying time. Please be patient, considerate and kind and we’ll get through this together.

Kia kaha.