Level 4 lockdown frequently asked questions
What is your position on mask wearing?
Advice from the Ministry of Health makes it mandatory from 11.59pm on the 18th August, all staff and customers aged 12 years and over to wear masks or face-coverings that cover your nose and mouth while in-store during Alert Level 4. Wearing a mask is the best way to keep yourself, your family and our teams safe.
To meet our legal requirements, we will not permit people in-store if they are not wearing a face-covering. If you do not wish to wear a mask and not on the exemption’s listed on the Covid-19 Government website consider our online shopping services.
What do I do if key products I need aren’t in stock?
If your favourite product is out of stock, we ask you to please consider an alternative. If an alternative is not available, please consider checking back later in the week as supply is constantly moving through the system from DC to stores.
Why can’t I find a product? There seem to be heaps of gaps on the shelves of my local supermarket and this is getting worse? Are you actually running out of products?
If you find a specific product is not available, please bear with us, it will be back on shelf as soon as the supply chain can move it through. Please be calm, empathetic and courteous to our staff and fellow shoppers and remember our teams are working hard to feed New Zealand #shopnormal.
Are you going to put product limits in place?
From time to time, individual stores may put limits in place for certain products. This is to ensure everyone can have a fair go at supply. We are experiencing a demand issue; it is not a supply issue. We have plenty of stock and if customers shop normally, there will be no issues ensuring there is enough to go around for all New Zealanders.
Why aren’t you enforcing limits for people who are obviously stock piling?
Stores are currently making the calls around whether to limit individual products on a daily basis. If stores have sufficient supply, then it is likely they will not impose limits. But if they have limited supply or are waiting on a delivery, then they will make the call to enforce limits. The best advice we have is for customers to shop normally. When you stockpile, you deprive someone else of the opportunity of having something that is essential to them.
Are we having stock issues?
If customers continue to shop normally stores will have no issues providing the usual range of products. We would ask all New Zealanders to resist the urge to stock up as this simply puts unnecessary pressure on stores.
Why are the prices of some items still so high?
We are doing everything we can to meet our customers grocery needs, including keeping prices fair during these tough times. We are committed to ensuring New Zealanders can get the everyday products at a fair price during these tough times.
What plans do you have in place to protect shoppers and staff?
At store and throughout the supply chain, staff are across all health and safety protocols as advised by the Ministry of Health to keep themselves and customers safe. This includes cleaning and disinfecting measures which are in place across all stores and are aligned with food safety practices.
We’re continuing to work with our stores and cleaning service providers to provide sanitising facilities for customers which include wipes for cleaning trolley handles and hand sanitiser dispensing units which will be placed strategically around stores.
We would like to stress that none of these measures are being used to replace good hand washing techniques and personal care as advised by the Ministry of Health – the health measures outlined by the Ministry are the best way for the public to protect themselves. These measures can be found at covid19.co.nz.
What kind of cleaning do you have in place to stop me getting sick?
At store and throughout the supply chain, staff are across all health and safety protocols as advised by health authorities to keep themselves and customers safe. This includes cleaning and disinfecting measures which are in place across all stores and are aligned with food safety practices.
Are stores limiting their opening hours?
We’re closely monitoring the situation. We don’t feel the need to adjust store hours nationwide yet, but individual stores are managing this as they need to.
What is the situation with online?
Demand for online shopping is up. There has been a significant uplift in customers using our online shopping services. Stores are working very hard to meet this demand. We ask customers to continue to shop normally, in store or online.
Why do my orders sometimes get cancelled?
On occasion, due to demand, stores may have to decline an order. They are doing their very best to ensure this doesn’t happen but occasionally the demands mean they can’t fulfil some orders.
Why do I keep having a lot of products not included in my order?
Due to high customer demand there are sometimes gaps on the shelf. If the product is unavailable at store when your order is being picked, then it may not be able to be included. If this happens, we suggest you check back at store in the next day or so when hopefully any product gaps will have been filled.